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QA/QI Coordinator

Office Administrator


Kris Newcomb, BSN, PHRN

EMS System Manager

Kris is the System Coordinator.   Kris is also the program director and dean of our CoAEMSP programs. She obtained her PHRN license in 2018. She received her BSN for Eastern Michigan University.

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Dominic Antonacci, BSN, EMT

As the EMS QA Coordinator Dominic serves as a clinical quality resource for system members. The Coordinator develops and maintains EMS clinical quality tracking and reporting tools to enable the analysis of Performance and key indicators of clinical outcomes.  

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Sandy Alsman

Sandy oversee's the office operations. She is assist providers with licensure renewals and helps organize continuing education. She also performs various task to help keep the office operations running smoothly.

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Brittany oversee's our education programs and helps maintain our CoAEMSP accreditation.  Also coordinates all our clinical programs as well.  Brittany is a full-time paramedic in El Paso.

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Joel Gollnitz, AAS, EMT-P


Joel oversees our Paramedic program. He has been teaching paramedic classes for nearly 10 years. Joel is also a full time firefighter/paramedic.


Dawn Wilson, BS, EMT-B


Dawn oversees our EMT-Basic program at Heartland Community College. She has been working in EMS education for over 3 years.. Dawn has a Bachelor's degree and works full time at State Farm. . Dawn also works part time at Leroy Ambulance..

Brittany Hamilton

Education Coordinator

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Jeff Kiesling, AAS, EMT-P


Jeff oversee's our hybrid programs and continuing education. Jeff has helped develop hybrid EMR course and ECRN courses. He is also integral in our continuing education programs bringing a wide array of experience to the office. He is a full time paramedic.

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Dr. Shayla Garrett-Hauser MD

Medical Director

Dr. Garret-Hauser is a full time emergency room physician at Carle BroMenn Medical Center. Dr. Garrett-Hauser joined the EMS system in 2023

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Dr. Julie Lewis, MD

Medical Director

Dr. Leiws joined the EMS System in 2020. She is a full time emergency room physician at OSF St. Joseph Medical Center. 

Current Resource Hospital: OSF St. Joseph Medical Center

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